
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Snow Dancing Facebook Rant

Ok, so I am not dancing in the snow this time. I have had enough and there will be no more joy in the snow, I stayed in after this storm. I mean come on, it's March, there should be no more snow. My kids have had about 2 weeks of snow days and I feel like my housework can't catch up..oh wells, more things for me to do when they are at school.
Yesterday I decided to weed through my facebook friends, and thought a good long few seconds about de-friending some family and friends I know. The reason is because of the crazy posts they decided everyone in their facebook world needs to know about, I'm sure we all know people like that. Anyway, I kept them but I blocked them from my feeds and boy does that feel good! My next few posts in the coming weeks will be about the annoying things people do on facebook..there are just so many!

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