Here are a few facebook posts that have annoyed me lately and led me to un-follow or defriend some.
. Spreading misleading or false stories..come on, we have way too much of this going on. Google is your friend and it does not take long to make sure the information you are putting out there is real or not. If it comes from the's fake! If the title sounds kinda crazy, most the time the real story has nothing to do with it.
Along the same lines..
. Outdated information. Look, I think we need to get information out there if a kid or adult is missing but I see posts from years ago and the person had been found. Recalls that are no longer valid, if they recalled something years ago, chances are the problem is fixed. Yes google again is your friend.
. I don't need to see every single meal you are cooking, or every time you go out to eat you don't need to tell me where you are. Unless you are inviting everyone over or need us to meet you at the restaurant. No one really cares and it just proves how self absorbed you can be. This is different than sharing great recipes, which you can do on Pinterest.
. Talking bad about friends, family or neighbors(or anyone you or anyone on your friends list knows). Just don't do it. I have had it happen to me and made a quick and polite phone call to remind this person about being an adult. I shouldn't have to do that with anyone over 18. If you have a problem with someone tell them or your close friends but there is no need to make it public.
. Politics, Religion. Need I say more? My views are pretty set, you won't change my mind and the more you post the closer my mouse gets to the unfriend button. I remember back before the internet when we didn't know or care what our neighbors views were, I miss that.
There are things I love about facebook, keeping in contact with those I live far from, funny Meme's (love them!), pictures, funny things you do, happy quotes, and more. Lets just keep the drama out.
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