
Monday, December 1, 2014

Simply Scott

I received my Scott Naturals Tube free in the mail and I love it. I never would of thought of such a great idea and now I wonder why someone didn't think of it sooner. The toilet paper is high quality and just as good if not better than other brands that have the tube. I will be buying this from now on because there is just no going back!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Randomness Abounds

Being Random is one thing I excel at. Sometimes that is not such a good thing since I can't seem to get anything done. Lately I have made myself a schedule of sorts and I am slowly getting into it and getting more things done. This morning the schedule included making muffins (Thursday morning breakfast), cleaning bedrooms and washing sheets (Thursday morning cleaning) and shopping (weekly, depending on need).

So, I have gotten a lot done today , even bringing cash in to the oldest for lunch ..ya he forgot AGAIN lol, but then randomness takes over and I spend far to long trying to transfer my photos from phone to computer..I gave up because it just isn't happening the way I want it too. You would think it would be easy, plug in cord, transfer photos..but it says they are not there, oh well! They are all on my phone and the google cloud thing so I will work with it.

Dinner tonight is leftovers after I get said oldest from marching band then he is off to wrestling soon after.

Today I also cashed in $75 amazon from survey site and won a Corn dog coupon from DeliciouslySavvy. Not a bad day:)

Friday, August 15, 2014


This last week has been filled with all things band camp. Nate started and I get to help this year, which is fun:) Bad thing is I haven't been able to clean so I feel a little overwhelmed today. When I get overwhelmed I seem to find other things to do than what I writing on here hah! I also started sanding some furniture I want to paint and done pretty much all things I want to get done besides clean! Oh well, it can wait for when the kids are in school right?

My sweepstaking has been on hold too so hopefully I can get back into that more when they go to school. I did win a fantastic bag filled with Air Wick and a $50 gift card though! I need to be better at recording my wins..being organized would help:) I have to say I am better than I use to be so I am just slowly moving in that direction. My main thing is getting rid of stress in all sorts, life is too short to let the little things bother me so I say goodbye to whatever does me harm:) Sounds easy doesn't it..I wish lol, that's another thing that is slowly getting better though. Whether it comes to too many things or a toxic person, it always takes me a bit to realize what I don't need. If I could get my hubby to get rid of things it would also make life easier:)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Facebook Pet Peeves

Here are a few facebook posts that have annoyed me lately and led me to un-follow or defriend some.

. Spreading misleading or false stories..come on, we have way too much of this going on. Google is your friend and it does not take long to make sure the information you are putting out there is real or not. If it comes from the's fake! If the title sounds kinda crazy, most the time the real story has nothing to do with it.
Along the same lines..

. Outdated information. Look, I think we need to get information out there if a kid or adult is missing but I see posts from years ago and the person had been found. Recalls that are no longer valid, if they recalled something years ago, chances are the problem is fixed. Yes google again is your friend.

. I don't need to see every single meal you are cooking, or every time you go out to eat you don't need to tell me where you are. Unless you are inviting everyone over or need us to meet you at the restaurant. No one really cares and it just proves how self absorbed you can be. This is different than sharing great recipes, which you can do on Pinterest.

. Talking bad about friends, family or neighbors(or anyone you or anyone on your friends list knows). Just don't do it. I have had it happen to me and made a quick and polite phone call to remind this person about being an adult. I shouldn't have to do that with anyone over 18. If you have a problem with someone tell them or your close friends but there is no need to make it public.

. Politics, Religion. Need I say more? My views are pretty set, you won't change my mind and the more you post the closer my mouse gets to the unfriend button. I remember back before the internet when we didn't know or care what our neighbors views were, I miss that.

There are things I love about facebook, keeping in contact with those I live far from, funny Meme's (love them!), pictures, funny things you do, happy quotes, and more. Lets just keep the drama out.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Snow Dancing Facebook Rant

Ok, so I am not dancing in the snow this time. I have had enough and there will be no more joy in the snow, I stayed in after this storm. I mean come on, it's March, there should be no more snow. My kids have had about 2 weeks of snow days and I feel like my housework can't catch up..oh wells, more things for me to do when they are at school.
Yesterday I decided to weed through my facebook friends, and thought a good long few seconds about de-friending some family and friends I know. The reason is because of the crazy posts they decided everyone in their facebook world needs to know about, I'm sure we all know people like that. Anyway, I kept them but I blocked them from my feeds and boy does that feel good! My next few posts in the coming weeks will be about the annoying things people do on facebook..there are just so many!

Friday, February 14, 2014

More Snow!

So we got the big one..10 inches of snow. Now the kids have another long weekend, I think I am getting so use to them being home I don't mind anymore. They shoveled and cleaned up and we are just being lazy today. Kassi is having a few friends over tomorrow for her birthday so we are having a fun weekend!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ice day

The kids have today off again..this time for ice. I mean it is a little icy but I'm sure they would of made it to school ok..oh well more time with my kids right. I am going to venture out later since I have to get birthday supplies for my birthday girl tomorrow.

Today I am on a roll, I won 2 prizes this morning..$10 from Pillsbury Holiday Cash and the daily prize..which I am not sure what it is yet at Thomas' English Muffins I am sure its some bagels or fun! I also got my workout in, yay me.

Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


It's February already! I have been really bad at updating the last few weeks. I was sick and the kids were home for an entire week with snow days...ya it was crazy. Then last week I painted and remodeled the kids bathroom, pictures as soon as it is completely finished. This week I am back on track and kids are back in school (fingers crossed). Amazing how things like sickness can derail plans, but I am determined and now I am back on track.
Things that have happened, Nate got his first wrestling win in the last official match he will have this year..yay! Rush almost had to go to Puerto Rico, but didn't, yay! The Super Bowl was, but some of the commercials were yay. Connor started baseball with his first winter workout..yay!

This week will be fun, Connor has his district choir concert on Saturday, pretty proud of him. My youngest has her birthday in a few days..can't believe my baby will be 10, I sure don't feel that old. Nate is still practicing with his wrestling team even though he is done with his matches, he has lost 10 lbs and is looking tough!

Now off to get my coffee and plan the rest of the week!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

5 minutes

Sometimes 5 minutes seems like it lasts forever, like when I'm working out or doing the dishes. Other times 5 minutes goes by too fast.  Every morning I sit outside with my 14 year old for 5 minutes waiting for his bus.  Not because I have too, he is old enough and big enough to do it by himself.  I do it mainly because I know it can be lonely and boring outside in the dark and I like to keep him company.  Most days we chat about what he has to do at school or afterwards.  Some days we talk about history or goofy sounds or weird things we have seen. Others we complain about the weather or mundain things like chores.  When we see the bus he hugs me tells me he loves me and we do silly waves as he walks down the driveway.  Whatever the topic is that day I realize those are some of the best minutes of my day.  I am pretty lucky I have a kid that likes talking nonsense with me.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Foggy days

Yay for kids so far going to school all week..well except for Connor coming home sick yesterday. He is the only kid I have ever had to pick up sick (multiple times) from school. He has a way with the teachers and they all feel bad for him when he is sickly..funny kid.

As weeka go, it's going pretty good. Hubby's bday is today and he is home sick in bed. I am making him cheesecake and maybe something good for dinner, but probably not since he will be gone all night at a wrestling meet Nate's school is having.

I think it's crazy pet day today too because all of mine are driving me batty! Here's to keeping my sanity today:)

Monday, January 13, 2014


Boo for Mondays..but then again the kids are back in school finally, yay! We had a fantastic weekend with lots of rain. Nate had a wrestling event which we watched a little bit of. I don't think I did very much but watch football, which is completely disappointing since my Green Bay Packers are not playing..wahhh!!

Mondays are not that different for me besides having to get up at 5:30 in the morning, I hate mornings and I don't think I will every get use to waking up that early. The high school bus comes at 6:30 so I try and get up to make sure Nate gets up and mostly to keep him company because he gets up and ready by himself normally..I'm just the emergency alarm:)

My pantry challenge is going pretty good, all meals last week and some deserts were all pantry things. Connor even helped me out and I made him some enchiladas from some sauce I had in there! This week so far I am Lasagna planned for tonight (frozen I had), chicken parm tomorrow made with some cream of wheat (sounded good), pudding pumpkin pie..some weird pudding I bought for some reason so will have to use up! Not much else figured out, need to look through it a bit's tons of fun for some reason.

I also won another prize..$50 walmart GC from Like a Bump on a log. Biggest win this year and I love it!! Entering contests is something I love and I consider it my job:)

Here is to a fantastic start of the week!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

So cute...

Ok he said people said he looked fresh not cute.  He is still cute to me. 

Connor had to dress up for the wrestling match tonight..their team won..yay!
Nate has a match tonight too and will get in late. 

It's suppose to rain in the morning, freezing rain at that. Will see if schools get delayed or canceled again.I'm hoping for no rain as I'm not sure my sanity will hold up with all these days off!

Im keeping on task and won another $10 for Amazon from Mattel playground. .love them!

...ya, just got the call school is delayed. That's how they roll in Virginia, threaten to have frozen rain and we delay lol!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I am Cold!

Ya so it was really cold here yesterday, not Wisconsin cold but still cold. The kids didn't even have school, though I thought they could of went..but hey I grew up in this kind of weather. Needless to say, yesterday was not too productive for me. I cleaned a little but did not get my workout in. Today I did though and I cleaned a bit, and it's a short day since the kids had a 2 hour delay( ya was a little cold this morning). The loose meat sandwiches the other day were a HUGE hit..I really didn't think they would like them as much as they did..toasted buns are the best with them. Yesterday I also received $10 in Amazon..another win for me yay! Still doing good with my savings and cleaning out my pantry so I am on a roooolll! Happy Wednesday:)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Be happy!?!

Well here it is Blue Monday..ya I never heard of it either. Apparently its the saddest day of the year according to the scientist who research that sort of thing. Blue Monday It's not so blue for me though, kids are at school, I did my shopping, cleaned a little..even talked myself into working out and afterwards sang a little song to myself about how I did it! Oh ya, I even put food in the crock pot for dinner: Loose Meat Sandwiches I have never made these before so hopefully this kids like them. Still on my mission to clean out the pantry and doing fantastic..I even spent only $89 shopping today..I normally go over $100 so that's good for me!

Saturday, January 4, 2014


I almost talked myself out of my workout today! Then I talked myself into it.  I figure if my son can do 3 hours (he is in wrestling..huge workouts), then I can put in my measly 30 minutes. 

I also can log in my first win of the year...a coupon for challenge cream cheese...hey it's a start!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Just for January

I put my goals down but I forgot about a monthly challenge I am doing for the month of January. I am only using what I have in my pantry for dinners and trying to clean it out for the new year. This means only buying things at the store that are perishable..meat, milk, eggs, fruit, veggies. I am also extending it to my freezer and using that all up also as much as I can.

 Yes it's a mess that's why I need to go through it and maybe get some things to help reach the back easier!

Happy New year!

This year is all about goals for me..I know every year we all have crazy unreachable goals that get sidelined after a few weeks. So..I am doing small ones. The first one is the 52 week money challenge...pretty easy to do:
My other goal is to work out at least 14 weeks straight (14 weeks for 2014..ya I'm cheesy but Yay!!) and whenever I work out I put a quarter into my saving jar along with my other above savings. I am hoping I can buy some nice presents at the end of the year with all my savings. Another goal type thing is to win more prizes this year. I did pretty good last year and raked in a pretty good chuck, my biggest prize being a custom recliner worth around 2k. I need to bump it up and keep it going. Of course I am still going to paint the rest of the house, hopefully I get it done this year. Last year I wanted to get another tattoo which I didn't get done so maybe I'll start seriously working on what I want to get. Another goal should be working on this blog and getting it going into something I am more proud of, i'll keep that in my head and see where it goes! Happy New Year!!