
Friday, February 14, 2014

More Snow!

So we got the big one..10 inches of snow. Now the kids have another long weekend, I think I am getting so use to them being home I don't mind anymore. They shoveled and cleaned up and we are just being lazy today. Kassi is having a few friends over tomorrow for her birthday so we are having a fun weekend!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ice day

The kids have today off again..this time for ice. I mean it is a little icy but I'm sure they would of made it to school ok..oh well more time with my kids right. I am going to venture out later since I have to get birthday supplies for my birthday girl tomorrow.

Today I am on a roll, I won 2 prizes this morning..$10 from Pillsbury Holiday Cash and the daily prize..which I am not sure what it is yet at Thomas' English Muffins I am sure its some bagels or fun! I also got my workout in, yay me.

Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


It's February already! I have been really bad at updating the last few weeks. I was sick and the kids were home for an entire week with snow days...ya it was crazy. Then last week I painted and remodeled the kids bathroom, pictures as soon as it is completely finished. This week I am back on track and kids are back in school (fingers crossed). Amazing how things like sickness can derail plans, but I am determined and now I am back on track.
Things that have happened, Nate got his first wrestling win in the last official match he will have this year..yay! Rush almost had to go to Puerto Rico, but didn't, yay! The Super Bowl was, but some of the commercials were yay. Connor started baseball with his first winter workout..yay!

This week will be fun, Connor has his district choir concert on Saturday, pretty proud of him. My youngest has her birthday in a few days..can't believe my baby will be 10, I sure don't feel that old. Nate is still practicing with his wrestling team even though he is done with his matches, he has lost 10 lbs and is looking tough!

Now off to get my coffee and plan the rest of the week!